Sean Harju will be heading off to Milan this summer to walk the runways in two major fashion shows! Calvin Klein and Hugo Boss have both booked Sean to feature their Spring 2007 Collections. Prior to IMTA in Los Angeles 2006, Sean had never ventured out of Oregon. At IMTA, Sean signed with Major Model Management, and he is already off to an amazing modeling career! His remarkable projects have included working for Dolce & Gabbana, Donatella Versace, and having a 6-page solo spread in a
GC Fashion Segment. Only time will tell what incredible future endeavors are lined up for Sean!
We were able to ask Sean what his IMTA experience was like and here’s what he had to say:
What was your experience like at IMTA?
It was so much fun and one of the best weeks of my life!How did the IMTA Convention help start your modeling career?
I was able to meet agents from all over the world in one place.
What has been your favorite shoot or modeling job?
Shooting for GQ
What advice do you have for IMTA hopefuls?
Have as much fun there as you can because it will be one of the best experiences of your life.
Thanks Sean - We wish you much more success!