"If one says "Red" and there are 50 people listening, it can be expected that there will be 50 reds in their minds. And one can be sure that all these reds will be very different." Josef Albers
As I mentioned in a previous post I will be doing several posts on different colours and how they make us feel. So for my second installment it's
RED!!!!I have a love/hate relationship with red, as a redhead I was teased so much as a child that I came to dislike red, but now as an adult I love my red hair and I can certainly appreciate all red has to offer.
Red is a primary colour and it's complimentary colour is green. This is fun to try at home - stare at a red circle for a few minutes then look away onto a white paper and you'll immediately see a green circle. Your eyes crave balance so after looking at red they want to see green so they'll make it for themselves.
Cool, eh!Red's power comes from it's heat - the warmer the red the more red it is thought to be. As a colour it advances and it draws attention to itself, so it's great to use for a focal point or where you want the attention to be - think of the lady in the red dress or the red carpet.....
Red can make people feel many emotions but those that are most closely associated with it are passion, danger, boldness, anger, aggression, sexiness and excitment. People who like red are usually extroverts and associate red with the positive attributes of red.
Those who dislike red associate it with the negative attributes noted above. Physically, red increases blood pressure, appetite, respiratory rates, adrenaline and also can increase physical strength. The colour red can also cause us to be courageous, aggressive, sensuous, impulsive, overbearing and impatient. Sports teams often use red to show they are strong and aggressive.
And red is a very common colour that countries use in their flags - take Canada's for example red with the red maple leaf.
Okay enough about feelings here's how to use red in your world. First off red exterior doors are fantastic and draw people to your home.
Blue-based reds are dramatic and go great with dark woods like mahogany which are often in dining rooms and therefore it is often used there. Soft reds can help to neutralize the cooler colours such as blue and green and with give some warmth to the room. Brown reds look great in kitchens as there is usually a small amount of wall to cover and it encourages lively conversations and appetites.
Here's some red inspiration:
This red is what the experts say is the closest match to Diana Vreeland's Red Room - it's Benjamin Moore Red 2000-10. If this is too much red for you try it in smaller doses here's some accessories that will pop in your room.
Painting out the back of a cabinet or bookcase will make the items on the shelf stand out and become more of a focal point.

This beautiful chair becomes an object to desire in red. The chair colour is Ralph Lauren Relay Red1B11.
A beautiful crystal red chandelier will certainly make a statement.
This one has an almost chinoiserie feel.

And some beautiful red fabrics.
And my favourite red of all.
I believe that every space can be comfortable, warm, elegant and beautiful. I would love to help you achieve your beautiful space – email me at lisa@lisagouletdesign.com or if in the Ottawa area call me at 613-762-0818.