Thursday, August 19, 2010


So how do you feel about


Did you know that blue is the most preferred colour?  Probably because it reminds people of the sea and sky. 


Blue – light blue, navy, denim blue, sky blue, baby blue.  Blue has many different personalities. 


Psychologically, blue symbolizes serenity and sadness.  Mention a blue sky and images of calm summer afternoons and wide spaces appear in our minds, talk of blue feelings and the mood can seem very dark.

The two sides of blue come from its intrinsic coolness, which can either soothe or chill us.  If blue is placed along natural wood it will heighten the warmth of the wood and also provides a respite from it’s heat. 

Cottage Home via alinya

This photo shows how the blue cools off the wood in this home – which is actually a tree house!

Used alone, blue can cause a room to recede visually.  The warmer shades of blue tend towards the green side of its spectrum and are the easiest choices for interiors.


Usually people who like blue have introverted tendencies.

Blue can cause us to feel serene, peaceful or melancholy.  It lowers our blood pressure and slows our respiratory rate, it cools and relaxes us and is an antidote for the colour red.

Behaviourally, blue is associated with responsibility, loyalty, authority and conservatism, it can also be seen as rigid and narrow-minded which would explain why it’s used for police and postal workers uniforms.  Blue isn’t great with food and is a poor choice for restaurants.  When you think about it you don’t see too many blue restaurant interiors do you???

Royal blue or azure conveys richness & superiority.

viaCountrylivingPastel blues suggest springtime while deep blue is a colder weather colour.


Blue and green mixed together create a soft, watery like effect in a spa bathroom.

coastal living

Mixed with gray, blue creates an understated elegance.

via decorpad

Sky blue or robin egg’s blue combined with a neutral brown, tan or beige create an environmentally friendly atmosphere.

via gdlaneinteriors 

To tone down a hot red or orange room add blue for some coolness.  The opposite of yellow - blue will subdue a yellow room.


Navy blue is a little warmer and lighter than black and navy and white always makes us think nautical. 

via livelikeyoublog

However, navy with metallic accents has a rich, elegant appearance.

 Christina Murphy via livelikeyou blog

So that’s the scoop on blue – it is actually a cool colour but like all colours it really depends on it’s neighbour as to whether it reads as cool or warm. 

So are you like the many and love blue or are you like the few and hate it??

I believe that every space can be comfortable, warm, elegant and beautiful. I would love to help you achieve your beautiful space!

Email me at or if in the Ottawa area call me at 613-762-0818.


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