Monday, August 7, 2006

Lindsay avoids the paparazzi by going to the Ivy

This was an actual letter sent to celebrity blogger Perez Hilton. "Almost witnessed 3kids being hit by paparazzi.... Never in my life hadan expirience as I just did with the paparazzi. I am not kidding I amshaking, cannot breathe a bit, scared, anxious and sad. If someonedoesn't feel bad, than I will feel bad for myself. It is disgusting whatthese g-d damn people are doing to me. As well as the people in my life that I work with/for. Its vulgar and I'm saddened for myself. And, ANY of those willing to fall into judging me in any way in thefuture, or past. Can watch the video tapes that these men/women take ofme while they are being invasive towards my DAY off.... Which I neverhave anymore. (Send that to Morgan Creek)"
There are about a million restaurants in LA, but Lindsay decided to go to the one restaurant where paparazzi are literally camped out across the street. Good luck finding privacy with that strategy-- and for those who care, no one feels sorry for Lindsay.
G-d Bless.

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