Friday, June 3, 2011

bret michaels without bandana

bret michaels without bandana. Bret Michaels also added a
  • Bret Michaels also added a

  • barny
    Oct 26, 06:34 AM
    Nice! The earliest mac poster i have seen selling on eBay is a PowerMac G3 and that was a good price so i'd have a feeling this is rare and valuable.:apple:

    bret michaels without bandana. rett michaels bandana
  • rett michaels bandana

  • MacBandit
    Oct 7, 01:26 AM
    Originally posted by dukestreet
    Spamming can also be posting the exact same thing multiple times. Its been done on occassion. Farscape was the latest. Although not the worst by far.

    I am responsible for the Farscape posts and I did and I do appologize. I do want to point one thing out though, even though it matters not. When I was making the posts they were not copy and paste but each was unique and written at the moment.

    Again I am sorry. I just got very worked up over it.

    That seems like a long time ago now though.:)

    bret michaels without bandana. Bret Michaels
  • Bret Michaels

  • job
    Oct 20, 04:02 PM
    Anyone remember Travis?

    bret michaels without bandana. VIDEO: Bret Michaels Honored
  • VIDEO: Bret Michaels Honored

  • SBik2
    Jun 3, 12:50 AM
    Thanks! :D

    Thanks Anthony! lol You should also make one!

    i would. but cs4 doesnt run well on my old macbook. and plus im not creative enough.:cool:


    bret michaels without bandana. Brett w/o his andana?
  • Brett w/o his andana?

  • dazzer21
    Nov 24, 11:06 AM
    I'll try to explain this as best I can;

    I have a web page produced in Dreamweaver made up of 6 different jpegs.

    Along the top is a row of four jpegs, all next to each other which form a menu. They are are set up as rollovers so the text 'glows' when you roll over them.

    Under these is a full width jpeg on which is shown an image and some accompanying copy

    Under this is a final full width jpeg which acts as a footer - it has a logo on it.

    Each of these images has originally been created as a layered Photoshop file. On each of the six files, the bottom layer is the same solid blue. Dreamweaver is set up to have a page background of exactly the same blue so that background colour fills the whole screen.

    The problem is, that when these images are converted to jpegs, the background blue is not consistent. On the rollovers, the blue changes further when it's activated. So in essence, you can see where each jpeg finished and the next one ends.

    I've tried doing a straight 'save as', and a 'save for web and devices'; nothing seems to work. At the same time, I'm trying to keep the file sizes down as much as possible, but it's just not working out.

    Any ideas?

    Many thanks.

    bret michaels without bandana. Bret Michaels4
  • Bret Michaels4

  • MrFusion
    Apr 24, 07:21 AM
    I recently realized the existence of void pointers. These are quite useful if the primitive type for a data storage class is not known. Though, I have a question as to whether I am using them correctly.
    My storage class will allocate memory and keep track of the byte size of the individual pieces. The user then set and extract bytes via void * pointers.
    The storage class then copies bytes to and from the storage memory as needed. Basically my own crude implementation of NSMutableArray/NSMutableData.
    The user gets back a void * pointer and then casts this into whatever is needed. Yes, probably too much responsibility is given to the user.
    Anyway, I am concerned about memory leaks. To return a value, I memcpy() the bytes into a newly created memory malloc(). But there is no corresponding free().
    The user has to free the memory. But calling free after casting and dereferencing causes a crash. Does memory have to be freed in this case? See last for loop.
    Thanks for reading, replying and hopefully a lesson in pointers.

    int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {


    bret michaels without bandana. Why hide it under your andana
  • Why hide it under your andana

  • sikkinixx
    Mar 29, 09:16 AM
    Hmmm... Lumines I/II since you generally spend about and hour and half doing one game only to lose, swear, and start over. I dunno how long Syphon Filter is but it's a pretty good action game, as is GTA:VCS. The Sega Genesis collection will keep you busy if you like old school games since Phantasy Star IV alone is a good 10 hours to beat. Ratchet and Clank maybe?

    bret michaels without bandana. plus one of Bret Michaels#39;
  • plus one of Bret Michaels#39;

  • Cagle
    Apr 5, 07:08 PM
    Now of your budget is over 1k then we can talk better cameras ;)

    say its 1 to 2k, and the output is for vimeo HD, or a 135" PJ, via iMovie or FCE, what would you kindly recommend?


    bret michaels without bandana. ret michaels wife kristi
  • ret michaels wife kristi

  • Darth.Titan
    Feb 15, 09:26 AM

    bret michaels without bandana. In simpler times, Bret#39;s
  • In simpler times, Bret#39;s

  • superfula
    Apr 2, 11:19 PM
    Holy crap! For a gaming system....unbelievable.


    bret michaels without bandana. Poison rocker Bret Michaels is
  • Poison rocker Bret Michaels is

  • Blackhatch
    Apr 5, 08:47 PM
    iPhone 4.

    Isn't the iPhone 4 a 720i video?

    bret michaels without bandana. Bret Michaels Rock of Love:
  • Bret Michaels Rock of Love:

  • Doctor Q
    Aug 13, 04:47 PM
    It's a phone so small, that it can't even be used. But it's made by Apple, so I couldn't resist buying it!Is the price suitably small too? ;)


    bret michaels without bandana. The title was “Bret Michaels
  • The title was “Bret Michaels

  • mtbdudex
    May 1, 03:09 PM
    Nice picts Ward, can you get 8-10 hrs on the batteries?

    I used to love playing crystal quest on my MacPortable.

    I'm sure you are running some AfterDark screen savers as well.

    Does anyone remember the "Barney Blaster" screen module?
    I was NOT allowed to play that in front of my young nieces/nephews back then.

    just saw your other thread. You gotta show some AD screen saver picts!!

    bret michaels without bandana. heart of Bret Michaels,
  • heart of Bret Michaels,

  • Consultant
    Jun 24, 08:31 AM
    They chopped off a good number of nonreserved people. That Probably means no more nonreserved today.


    bret michaels without bandana. As if andanna-clad Bret
  • As if andanna-clad Bret

  • grapes911
    Sep 28, 07:25 PM
    If the pc has firewire you could use target mode and speed things up.

    bret michaels without bandana. ret-michaels-face
  • ret-michaels-face

  • yippy
    Nov 3, 10:33 PM
    MyPhotoAlbum looks good, free, decent interface and access to full rez pictures. Only problems is that you can't use it to host images and it doesn't have any Mac upload tools so that is a bit slower. I can deal with the slow uploading and maybe I could use a free flickr account to host images to put directly in my blog. Not a big fan of mixing and matching but if I want to go the free rout I doubt I have a choice.

    Thanks for the recommendations so far.


    bret michaels without bandana. Michaels#39; publicists fuelled
  • Michaels#39; publicists fuelled

  • Cromulent
    Dec 28, 05:44 AM
    I still have two left. I'm surprised more people aren't interested, Spotify is the single best music resource I have ever found.

    bret michaels without bandana. Bret Michaels is set to
  • Bret Michaels is set to

  • scem0
    Sep 17, 08:59 PM
    Don't let the disgusting things thread scare you, BART was very enjoyable when I was in the area.


    bret michaels without bandana. Bret Michaels hospitalized for
  • Bret Michaels hospitalized for

  • Jasonbot
    Mar 27, 01:07 PM
    You say its for xbox as well? or just the xbox controller on a PC?

    Mar 26, 08:19 PM
    I have been using screen in the osx terminal to get serial access, using the following:

    screen telnet /dev/tty.usbserial

    Unfortunately I can't scrollback in screen, which makes copying long config files a process of :apple:-C, :apple:-V, and repeat. Any suggestions for native serial support in the osx terminal app WITH scrollback?

    Sep 14, 10:05 PM
    I threw it back where it came from.

    Awesome! :)

    May 3, 11:16 PM
    Hi everyone!

    I'm not sure if anyone remembers me from back when the mid-2010 iMacs launched, but I purchased one, and despite loving the system, I ended up having to return it due to having a lot of eye strain while using it for even five minutes. With the new iMacs having been launched today, I decided to pick up a new one to attempt to adjust to the screen again, as I really, REALLY loved the system, and I hated being back on a Windows machine.

    I'm not certain why, but I'm having next to no issues this time around; I've been using the system nearly non-stop for the last two hours, and I've had very minimal eyestrain compared to last year's model! Absolutely NOTHING has changed whatsoever with my vision or lighting conditions in my PC room.

    Was something possibly changed with the displays for this release that has alleviated my issues almost entirely? If so, I'm certainly not complaining. :) And hopefully those other individuals besides myself that were having the same issues previously will be able to use the new iMacs with relative ease, as well!

    Apr 18, 07:27 PM
    use a lightly damp paper towel. then wipe it with a dry paper towel. thats all you need.

    A paper towel can scratch the display. Use a micro-fiber or soft cotton cloth instead.

    Mar 9, 02:53 PM
    I want to create an interactive DVD that would combine different file formats such as video, flash, pdf files etc...

    Does anyone know what software I can use to create such a thing?

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