Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Star Jones finally tells the obvious: she's had gastric bypass

Star recently wrote in Glamour magazine the following:
"I admit that when asked about my obvious weight loss over the past four years, I was intentionally evasive. Lying was never an option for me, so I called it a 'medical intervention,' which was true, but it was really a pathetic attempt to tell only the truth I could handle at the time."

"I couldn't breathe without sounding winded; walk without getting tired; sleep without snoring; or take a flight without using a seat belt extender."

"Every day I am learning to let go of my insecurities and acknowledge that I don't have all the answers, which is okay. I'm not saying that in order to be happy, women need to be a certain size, but I am saying that we should all strive to be healthy."

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