Sunday, November 21, 2010


As I’m sure you’ve noticed the holidays are approaching and since I aIMG_0087m a little obsessively organized, I thought I’d post some of my tips for getting ready for the holiday season.
1. Keep a calendar – I keep a calendar on my Iphone and my computer that lists all the upcoming parties and events that we have to be at or host.  I make note if I need to have a hostess gift, baking done, groceries bought, decorating completed or a new outfit (YAH!) for each one.
2. Hostess gifts - Throughout the year whenever I see some special little item that would make a great hostess gift I pick it up and put it away. Then come December, I wrap them and have them ready to go when needed.  It is so nice to not have to run out to the store to pick up a last minute gift.  I like to pick up fancy bottle stoppers, tree ornaments, fancy soaps and candles.
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3. Start shopping in November - due to the fact that it’s my oldest son’s birthday in early November I start shopping for him and then just keep going.  It’s also best to shop earlier in the week as Christmas approaches to avoid the crowds.  If you are online shopping try to have things ordered by early December so that you are sure to get them in time. That brings me to my next tip:
4. Keep a list - I keep a single page in my purse that lists everyone that I need to buy for, any ideas that I have for them and a price range.  I keep this up to date on my computer and I will print it out when the copy in my purse gets too mangled.  You could also keep the list on your smart phone.
5. Decorate the exterior of your home first and early – that way it via my life timelooks festive. And you won’t have any panic at the last minute that last year’s lights are not working or too tangled to use again.  I’m lucky that my husband takes care of the exterior lights and then I just have the porch to complete.  If you are using fresh greenery – try to get to the nursery by late November to pick them up before the rush.
6.  Decide on your Christmas palette and decorate the interior. I decorate my home in late November or early December.  So, if I’m hosting a party I don’t have to add that to the list of party to dos.  It’s best to decide what your colour palette is ahead of time, so that when you pull out the boxes of decorations you can put them in three piles – what you will be using, what you won’t be using this year (therefore right back into the box) and ones that you might use. You can also use this time to give away to a charity any items that you won’t be using again.  A tip for your colour theme – try to have it go with the colours already in your home – if you have soft blues and white, then bump it up and go with teal and silver decorations.
7.  Mail your Christmas cards and parcels early – I usually have them done by early December and then they go right to the post office.
8.  Break up the decorating – I usually tackle the fireplace mantel and the staircase on the same day.  As I have a large staircase, I’m usually DONE with decorating after finishing it. The next day I’ll do up the rest of the house and then on an weekday evening or weekend my girls and I will do the tree together.
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9.  Baking – I also break this up into smaller increments. I usually try to do two items every Sunday in December and then into the freezer they go (I’ll leave a small amount out for sampling).  This also ensures that there will actually be some left when Christmas arrives – that is, if the kids don’t eat them straight out of the freezer!!!  It’s great to have a supply at the ready to give to neighbours, co-workers or as a hostess gift.  Make sure you have some pretty tins or boxes on hand to wrap the cookies or squares in.
10.  Check on wrapping supplies and Christmas cards in early December to see what you have on hand and what’s needed.  I usually pick these items up at the end of the year sales and then promptly forget what I have bought the year before.
 via runningwithcake
11.  Wrapping – I like to wrap a few gifts each night while watching my favourite shows, that way it doesn’t feel like too much like work and I’m a little more creative with each one than if I have a huge pile in front of me. 
Well, that’s it!  I hope these tips help to give you some peace and calm during this crazy and busy holiday season.
I believe that every space can be comfortable, warm, elegant and beautiful. I would love to help you achieve your beautiful space! Email me at or if in the Ottawa area call me at 613-762-0818.

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